Latitude 2021 Celebrating Life

This time last week I was offering treatments -Reiki Healing with Sound and Access Bars at LATITUDE Festival thank you to The Zen Project for this opportunity and @theselfevolutioncoach for being the connector for this amazing experience.

WOW, where do I begin? So many wins and highlights to this epic weekend.


I connected with so many awesome therapists that are touching and changing people's lives in a profound way.

The festival-goers were open with their hearts and minds, willing to receive healing, relaxation and kindness.

There were no barriers or holding back, people were not afraid of showing their vulnerability.

They talked freely and openly about their mental health: BOOM!

It made me realise how much everybody is ready for change and the willingness to take self-responsibility for their wellbeing.

It was so beautiful to come together laugh, dance, celebrate life especially with our ongoing situation where there is so much separation and dived between us. This coming together as a community of approximately 30,000 thousand people and the energy of unity that was created is beyond words!


Amazing what you can create when you put your mind to it.

I am not going to lie, it was hard work on so many levels, the four days rolled into one day! I didn't quite appreciate what I am capable of and how much I can create.

The message here is to get out of your own way and go create, anything is possible. All you need is your willingness to push through your resistance and smash out the lies and limitations that hold you back.

If you would like to support, check out The Zen Projects non-profit organisation bringing zen to youth groups, charities and schools to make young people's mental health a priority.

#latitudefestival #celebratinglife #thezenproject

Maria Cooper-Gomes